When Should You Get a Second Opinion for Your Divorce Case – Part 1

Q: My Friend, (relative, co-worker) says that my lawyer is not any good, what should I do?

            It is very common for well-meaning (or not so “well meaning”) friends, family and co-workers to voice their opinions about your divorce or other family lawsuit.  Almost everyone will volunteer their opinions about your unique situation.  Most “advice – givers” are well meaning, and sincerely want to help you.  The old saying to take their advice “with a grain of salt” – could not be more true. 

            I am making the assumption, that when you selected your attorney you carefully examined her/his credentials, experience and at the time you decided to hire him/her you felt a connection.  Then, the hard work started – both yours and your attorney.  It is the responsibility of the client to be completely honest and forthright to their lawyer.  Keep in mind that a divorce attorney is an expert on law and you are the expert on the facts.  It is not uncommon for individuals going through the emotional roller coaster of a failed relationship to unintentionally omit very important facts.  Sometimes, the left out or distorted facts will completely change the attorney’s litigation strategy.  Therefore, prior to consulting with another divorce lawyer, it is essential that you reiterate in writing the facts of your case to confirm that both of you are on the same page.

            It is routine for lawyers and clients to disagree about how a case should be handled.  If you disagree with your lawyer’s handling of the case, tell her/him immediately.  Lawyers that handle complex family law matters are very much aware that there are no “magic” solutions to resolving child custody, division of assets and debts, and spousal support.  Personal relationships involving abuse, addiction, infidelity etc. have a long history and these situations do not have straightforward solutions. Divorce law attorneys understand that a family law matter is devastating to the client and that the client needs to be comfortable.  Sometimes, there is nothing that can make a client feel comfortable, short of waving a magic wand to make the other party “go away.”

            (See Part 2 for continuation.)

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