When Should You Get a Second Opinion for Your Divorce Case – Part 2

Q: My Friend, (relative, co-worker) says that my lawyer is not any good, what should I do?

            (continued from Part 1)

            If your friend, relative or co-worker tells you that your lawyer is “getting it all wrong,” it would be helpful for you to ask him/her to tell you what they mean.  For instance, if your friend tells you that the “Mother always gets primary custody,” it is important to know what is their source of information. If your friend’s knowledge comes from another friend, maybe you should consult with that person’s divorce lawyer.

            Prior to meeting either in person, telephonically or via internet you need to prepare carefully for the second opinion consultation.  A medical second opinion does not require any preparation by the patient.  It is routine for hospitals and physicians to send lab results, slides, test results etc. to another physician. The patient does not have to provide any additional data. 

             It is entirely different when a client is seeking a second legal opinion from a divorce lawyer. At a minimum, you need a copy of your complete file.  In addition, prepare a chronology of your matter, prior to the current situation.  Finally, prepare a list of the concerns that convinced you that you need another opinion.  Experienced family lawyers know and understand that sometimes a “fresh” set of eyes and ears is helpful to get a different slant on the situation which may help to resolve all or some of the issues.  Be prepared that having a new family law attorney may increase your total legal fees, but the most important factor is your comfort.  In complex situations there may not be a solution that will be one that you want.  When there are bad facts, you need to keep in mind that lawyers are not magicians.  Experienced attorneys can minimize the effect of bad facts – but those facts cannot be erased.

Do you have legal questions? We’re here to help your family. Call us at 770-333-1620.